Who doesn’t love pretty indoor flowering plants? Green houseplants are great and all, but wouldn’t you rather have ones that bloom all year round?
Well you’re in the right place. In this post, I’ll share my top picks for the best flowering houseplants that anyone can grow.
My list includes no-fuss plants that will bloom reliably year after year without any special care, so you’re sure to find lots of great options to choose from.

The 15 Best Indoor Flowering Plants
I chose the plants in this list because, not only are they gorgeous when in bloom, but they’re simple for anyone to grow indoors. Here are my top picks of the best indoor flowering plants:
1. Hibiscus
These lovely tropical plants are fairly low maintenance, and they can bloom almost year round indoors – even through the winter.
The large blossoms come in just about every color of the rainbow, and can have single or double petals. Learn all about how to care for hibiscus here.

2. Crown Of Thorns
Crown of thorns are succulent plants that can flower all year indoors. There are tons of different species, and the colors range from shades of red, pink, and peach, to yellow, or white.
They thrive on neglect, so keep the soil on the dry side, but make sure to give them lots of bright light.
3. Amaryllis
A popular holiday gift, amaryllis make good indoor plants that will bloom consistently every winter with a little bit of help.
The huge flowers are spectacular and can last for weeks. They come in red, white, or shades of pink, with either double or single petals. You can learn all about how to care for them here.

4. African Violets
Most people are familiar with African violets. They’re one of the most popular indoor flowering plants to collect, and there are so many cool varieties out there.
They can bloom several times a year, and come in a wide variety of hues. The most popular are purple, pink, or white, and some are even multi-colored.
5. Flowering Maple
Flowering maples aren’t very common indoor plants, and I’m not sure why. They are in the same family as the hibiscus, and just as easy to care for.
The long-blooming flowers look like bells and hang down from the ends of the arched stems. They can be anywhere from red to white, orange, yellow, pink, salmon, or mixed.
6. Peace Lily
Another great option, peace lilies can bloom constantly in fairly low light conditions indoors, which makes them very popular houseplants.
The flowers only come in white, but they can be different sizes, and the foliage can be either plain green or variegated. Learn how to care for peace lilies here.

7. Goldfish Plant
This unusual houseplant gets its common name because the small orange flowers look like goldfish jumping out of the water.
They usually bloom spring through summer, but it can happen intermittently any time of the year. Orange is the most common color, but the blossoms could be red or yellow instead. Learn how to care for goldfish plants here.
8. Lipstick Plant
The lipstick plant is one of my favorite flowering indoor houseplants. The long stems hang down and the bright red, burgundy, yellow, or orange blossoms appear summer through fall.
They look great set atop a pedestal or small side table, or in a hanging baskets where they can cascade over the top. Learn all about lipstick plant care here.
9. Bromeliads
While the actual blossoms on bromeliads can vary in size, the big colorful bracts are what these plants are best known for.
They come in just about every color you can think of, and they’re one of the best flowering houseplants for low light. Learn how to care for bromeliads here.

10. Holiday Cacti
There are 3 popular types of cacti that bloom around their respective holiday, Thanksgiving cactus, Easter cactus, and Christmas cactus.
Though they’re usually only sold as flowering gift plants, they make wonderful houseplants that you can easily rebloom indoors for decades, sometimes even twice a year. Learn more about holiday cacti care here.
11. Aloes
Though aloe vera is the most common species, there are tons of different types of aloe plants, and many of them can bloom indoors.
The timing, color, size, and shape of the blossoms vary wildly depending on the variety. Some flower more readily inside the house than others do, but they’re all fun to collect.

12. Begonias
Though they are most commonly sold as annual flowers in the spring, there are many types of begonias that you can grow indoors as houseplants.
Some will bloom constantly, and they come in wide array of colors and sizes. Many varieties also have stunning foliage, which is a double bonus. Learn how to grow begonias here.
13. Orchids
Orchids are definitely one of the most common indoor flowering plants, and there are so many different varieties that you could fill your home with them.
The gorgeous blossoms look very delicate, and they can last for weeks. There are so many hybrids these days that you can get one in almost every color or combo that you can imagine. Learn how to care for orchids here.

14. Cyclamen
Another common flowering holiday gift plant, you can find a huge selection of cyclamens in garden centers during the winter.
The cool thing about them is that their growing season is the opposite than most. They bloom in the winter and go dormant in the summer. Read all about cyclamen plant care here.
15. Kalanchoe
There are tons of different types of kalanchoes. Some will flower consistently every year, while others will only bloom once and then die.
But the best to grow indoors are the common floral ones, which can live for many years. They have clusters of bright red, pink, orange, yellow, or white blossoms on top of thick, glossy leaves. Learn exactly how to care for kalanchoes here.

Flowering Houseplant Care Tips
Caring for flowering indoor plants is a bit different than it is for plain green ones, and most will need a little extra TLC to bloom reliably. You can read about general indoor plant care here, but below are my quick tips specifically for houseplants that flower:
Typically, flowering houseplants require a lot of light, and they won’t bloom well (or at all) if it’s too dark. So make sure you put them next to a sunny window.
If you don’t have very much natural sunlight in your house, you can supplement with artificial. Simply get a grow light, plug it into an outlet timer, and set it to run for at least 8 hours a day.
Since they need lots of energy to bloom, you should feed your flowering indoor plants regularly spring through summer.
Don’t just use a general purpose option though, find one that is higher in potassium. It can either be water soluble or slow-release pellets.
Otherwise you can buy one specifically made for the plant you have, like African violet food, an orchid fertilizer, or hibiscus granules, for example.
Related Post: How To Fertilize Houseplants
Some types of indoor flowering plants need more water than others do. Giving them too much or too little can have a major impact on blooming, and cause problems like bud drop.
If you struggle with watering, then I recommend buying an inexpensive moisture gauge probe to help you get it just right.
Related Post: How To Properly Water Your Indoor Plants
Extreme hot or cold temperatures are bad for any houseplant, but flowering ones are much more sensitive. Even minor temperature shifts can cause bud drop or prevent blooming.
So make sure to keep yours away from heat sources, like vents and fireplaces, as well as A/C units or cold, drafty doors and windows.
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Pest Control
Bugs can be a problem for any type of indoor plant, but I find that they tend to favor flowering ones, especially the tender new buds. So it’s important to know the signs, and keep a close eye out for pest infestations.
Neem oil is a natural pesticide, and works great. You can also use an organic insecticidal soap, or make your own using 1 tsp mild liquid soap to 1 liter of water. Learn more about how to get rid of houseplant bugs.
If you want to learn all there is to know about maintaining healthy indoor plants, then you need my Houseplant Care eBook. It will show you everything you need to know about how to keep every plant in your home thriving. Download your copy now!
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