Cleaning and reusing winter sowing containers is much faster than finding and preparing new ones every year. But it can also become a huge chore.
So, in this post, I will share my best tips for how to speed things up, and make it fast and easy to wash them.
Related Post: How To Prepare Containers For Winter Sowing

Reusing plastic containers that you would otherwise throw out is one of the great things about winter sowing seeds. As an added bonus, you can even save and reuse some of them year after year.
Reusing all those mini greenhouses makes life easier, since you don’t have to find and prepare new ones every year. And who doesn’t love saving time?

How To Clean Winter Sowing Containers
There are really only two ways to clean winter sowing containers: either in the dishwasher, or by hand washing.
Obviously washing them by hand will take much longer. So you may want to try to find as many dishwasher safe ones as you can.
Examples Of Dishwasher Safe WSing Containers
This probably goes without saying… but not all types of winter sowing containers will survive in the dishwasher.
Most of the ones you find in the bakery section or that you get with your restaurant takeout are not dishwasher safe, and they will usually just melt. But, many types of food storage containers are. Here are a few of my favorites…
- Old food storage containers (look for these in the free bin at garage sales)
- Disposable food storage containers (I like the larger 64 oz size, or the 48 oz size for shorter seedlings)
- Ice cream buckets
- Restaurant take out containers – but they can be hit or miss, so use caution. (these are some of my favorites, and they are dishwasher safe).
- Containers from the grocery store deli (I like these)
Cleaning Winter Sowing Containers In The Dishwasher
It’s super easy to clean winter sowing containers in the dishwasher, and this is my preferred method. I use a dry rag or a brush to wipe off the bulk of the left-over dirt, then I load them into the dishwasher.
Once it’s full, I run it on the rinse or quick-wash cycle. It’s the shortest cycle, but runs long enough to clean off much of the dirt and residue.
I don’t put soap into the dishwasher, because the hot water rinse will clean them good enough. But you could if you want to, it’s not going to harm your seeds.

Hand Washing The Containers
If you have any containers that aren’t dishwasher safe, then you need to hand wash them (examples are milk jugs, 2 liter bottles, containers from bakery goods…etc.). Don’t worry, you won’t have to spend too much time on this task.
First, soak them in the sink filled with soapy water to allow the dirt to soften up. Then use an old rag or a paper towel to wipe out the insides.
You don’t have to thoroughly scrub your winter sowing containers to clean them. Just a quick wash to remove most of the dirt and residue will be fine.

Cleaning winter sowing containers can save you tons of time. It means you don’t have to hunt for new ones every year, and spend time preparing all of them. Look for containers that can withstand the dishwasher, that will make cleaning them even easier.
If you want to learn how to winter sow, then my Winter Sowing eBook is exactly what you need. It has everything you need to be successful. Download your copy today!
Or, if you want to learn how to grow any type of seed you want using a mix of methods, then you should take my Seed Starting Course. It’s a fun, self-paced online course that will teach you exactly how to grow any seed that you want. Enroll and start the course today!
More Winter Sowing Posts
- Winter Sowing Questions & Answers (FAQs)
- Best Seeds For Winter Sowing & How To Choose The Right Ones
- When To Start Winter Sowing Your Seeds
- Tips For Winter Sowing During A Mild Winter
Leave a comment below, and share your tips for cleaning winter sowing containers.
Karen says
Just opened my containers yesterday. The cheap Walmart shoeboxes and Rubbermaid containers did best. One stacked on top of another. Much easier to remove the duct tape. And can use again. I suspect dishwasher safe on top rack, but I will test.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Awesome, thanks for sharing your experience.
Sheryl Mann says
Hi! I love this tip! I’m a SAVER Winter Sower and hand-wash mine out in my wheelbarrow. Didn’t think of getting the dishwasher safe containers and washing them in the dishwasher! Great idea! 🙂
Sheryl Mann
Amy Andrychowicz says
Yes, it is much easier than hand washing all of those containers. You’re welcome, glad I could help. 🙂
website says
Thank you for sharing! I also like reusable containers for my winter sowing. I’ll check your other posts, I’m sure you’ve shared some great tips! It’s great that I found your blog!
Amy Andrychowicz says
Anonymous says
Personally, I like to use new containers every winter sowing year and recycle the old ones. I'm afraid of missing some bacteria — tho I guess the winter would kill it. Just like the fresh new ones.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Wow, good for you! Once I find containers I like, then I want to keep them and use them for as long as I can. Plus, I feel like it’s a lot less work to just clean and reuse them, since I don’t have to find and prepare new ones every year. But using fresh new ones every year is a great way to do it too! 🙂
JenE says
Hey Amy,I'm in MN too, and love that I found your blog! I didn't know we could still winter sow even this late in February – cool, thanks! This sounds like a great weekend project.
Amy Andrychowicz says
I usually make myself wait to start until February, and I sow using this method well into April! (even though technically it’s not winter by then) It’s so much easier than starting seeds indoors.