Bougainvillea care is not difficult. In fact, these gorgeous plants thrive on neglect!
In this post, I’ll show you everything you need to know about growing bougainvillea so you will have the best success.

Bougainvillea is an incredible addition to any landscape. This show-stopping beauty produces constant blooms that inspire garden envy.
Though it seems like it would be difficult to care for, growing bougainvillea is actually very easy in the right conditions.
This tough, drought tolerant vine is excellent for quickly covering walls or fences in the garden.
But it does equally well in a container, which can be brought indoors over winter in colder climates.
In this detailed care guide, you will learn all of the essential information you need to know about how to grow bougainvillea.
Information About Bougainvillea
Bougainvillea (also called Paper Flower) is native throughout South and Central America.
This lovely tropical plant is a member of the Nyctaginaceae family, more commonly known as the Four O’Clock family.
The bougainvillea that growers enjoy today is a hybrid of B. spectabilis and B. glabra. Which results in a robust, evergreen, woody vine with thorns.
These vigorous plants are natural climbers that can reach 20′ in height. But they also make spectacular hanging baskets or container plants.

Bougainvillea does not tolerate cold weather, as they are only hardy to zones 9-11. The foliage and branches will die back after a hard freeze, but they will recover very quickly.
Those fortunate enough to live in warmer areas can plant it directly in the garden. The rest of us must grow bougainvillea in a container, and bring it indoors during the winter.
Different Types Of Bougainvillea
The popularity of bougainvillea has led to the development of numerous varieties on the market. All are beautiful, but here a few exceptional types to consider:
- ‘Jamaica White’ features white flowers with prominent green veins. It is a vigorous grower that blooms early, which makes it an excellent choice for containers.
- ‘Juanita Hatten’ has vibrant pink flowers, and attractive green foliage with bright gold splatters.
- ‘Surprise’ is a variety that produces an abundance of fantastic pink/white bi-color blossoms.
- ‘Barbara Karst’ is another option, with smaller individual flowers that form in showy clusters. This type also blooms early, making it good for containers and overwintering indoors.

How To Grow Bougainvillea
The first step toward establishing your new plant is to select an appropriate location. Depending on where you live, you can plant bougainvillea in the ground, in a pot, or even grow it indoors.
Planting Bougainvillea Outdoors
If you live in zones 9-11, you can plant your bougainvillea outdoors just about anywhere you want. Choose a location that gets full sun and has good drainage.
Since they are climbing plants, they look amazing growing over the top of an arch or pergola, sturdy fence, or up a wall. You can also train them as a shrub or hedge, if you prefer to keep their size smaller.
Growing Bougainvillea In Pots
Bougainvilleas grow great in containers, which can be overwintered indoors in colder climates. Select a pot that is a few inches wider in diameter than the rootball.
Make sure the container has drainage holes in the bottom, and fill it with a general purpose potting mix. Repot once the plant becomes pot-bound.

Bougainvillea Care Indoors
If you’d like to try growing bougainvillea indoors over the winter, then you should bring it inside before frost threatens your area in the fall.
Before the first killing frost, significantly prune back your plant. Then bring it indoors, and place it where the nighttime temperatures will get chilly, but not cold.
Make sure it continues to receive lots of sunlight, or add a grow light if you don’t have any natural sun in your home.
Do not give it fertilizer during the winter, and remove any brown leaves as they develop.
Once all risk of frost has passed in the spring, take it back outdoors. Then give it routine water and fertilizer throughout the growing season.
Bougainvillea Plant Care Instructions
Growing bougainvillea is pretty darn easy, and they are very tolerant of imperfect care. However, for them to perform their best, follow these instructions.
One of the key factors for successful bougainvillea care is proper watering. They do not like to be overwatered. Too much water will cause root rot, and ultimately kill the plant.
Let the soil dry out between waterings, and then give it a deep drink. Slow down on watering during the winter months, especially if you’re going to bring it indoors.
Begin giving your bougainvillea more water as temperatures warm in mid-spring. But never allow the soil to stay wet or become soggy.
If you find it difficult to get this right, then I recommend buying yourself an inexpensive soil moisture meter to help you out.
Bougainvillea will grow well in a wide range of soil types, as long as it is never saturated with water. Plant it in an area of your garden where the soil is fast draining.
Although, they do prefer mildly acidic soil (a pH between 6-6.5 is ideal), it’s not required. You can use a pH probe to check the acidity, and amend alkaline soils with acidic fertilizer.
When planted in rich soil high in organic matter, the need for supplemental fertilizer is lower. You can enrich poor quality soils with worms castings or compost.
In a container, use a general purpose potting soil. If you find that it holds too much moisture, then mix in coarse sand or perlite to improve drainage.
Bougainvilleas are heavy feeders that will perform best when given a consistent fertilizer. This is especially important for the ones you have in containers.
Add slow-release granules to the hole at planting time, then top-dress them monthly during the spring and summer.
Liquid fertilizers are also great to use each time you water. Simply add compost tea concentrate, liquid fish emulsion, or a water-soluble fertilizer for blooming plants to your watering can.
If your soil is alkaline, use an acidic fertilizer instead. Learn more about fertilizing flowers here.
The most important factor for proper bougainvillea care is providing sufficient sunlight. They require at least six hours of full sun.
When mature, healthy plants do not bloom, it’s almost always caused by lack of sunlight. So, if you are able to move it, try finding it a sunnier spot.
Indoors, place it in a south facing window. If you don’t have enough natural sun, then adding a grow light will help a ton.
One of the best features of this wonderful specimen is the bright, cheery flowers. They will bloom year round in frost-free locations.
But the colorful, papery blossoms are not actually the flower petals. Instead, their brilliant colors come from the bracts that surround the three inconspicuous white flowers.
Depending on the variety that you have, the color of the bracts could be anywhere from magenta, hot pink, red, orange, or purple.
With the proper care, bougainvilleas can even continue blooming through the winter indoors. Though, they don’t usually flower as profusely as they will outside.

Plant Pests
A healthy bougainvillea is relatively free of damaging pests. There are a few that can attack your plant, but they do not usually pose a significant threat.
If you do find a bug infestation, only use organic methods to treat them. Wash the leaves with insecticidal soap or use a mix of mild liquid soap and water.
Neem oil is also a natural way to control an outbreak. Treat the plant regularly until all signs of the infestation are completely gone.
Regular pruning will result in a better looking plant. This is true whether it is grown in a container, or planted directly in the ground.
Consistent trimming also helps to manage the size and shape of these fast-growing vines. Or to train them in the form of smaller shrubs or bushes in your landscape.
Pruning is vital for containerized bougainvilleas, especially if you want to overwinter them inside. This will make it much more manageable for moving them in and out of doors.
The best time to trim them is in the fall, or at the end of the growing season. This habit will produce a more attractive plant with a thicker base.

Bougainvillea Propagation Tips
You can propagate bougainvillea by taking hard or softwood cuttings, and rooting them. For best results, take cuttings mid-winter through early spring.
Dip the cut ends into rooting hormone, and then stick them into moist soil. Add bottom heat to speed up the process, and keep the air around the cuttings humid at all times.
Troubleshooting Common Bougainvillea Care Problems
The hardest part of bougainvillea care is when something goes wrong, and you have no idea how to fix it. So, here I will list a few of the most common problems, along with their solutions.
Leaves Falling Off
This is almost always caused by improper watering – either too much or not enough.
The soil should dry out between waterings, but never to the point where the plant droops. It should never be soggy or wet for very long.
Bougainvillea Not Flowering
Most of the time, no flowers means a lack of sunlight. But it could also be caused by a nutrient deficiency.
Make sure it gets at least 6 hours of full sun, and feed it regularly with flower fertilizer.
Not Growing Or Very Slow
Slow growth can be caused by a few things. But, usually it means too much shade, improper watering, or lack of fertilizer.
Yellow Leaves
When the leaves turn yellow, that usually means it’s being overwatered.
Check the soil every time you water by sticking your finger one inch deep, to make sure it needs it. A moisture gauge is a great tool to help you get it right every time.
Bougainvillea Care FAQs
In this section, I’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about growing bougainvilleas. If you can’t find an answer here, ask your question in the comments below.
Are coffee grounds good for bougainvillea?
It’s true that bougainvillea like acidic soil. However, coffee grounds are not the best way to lower the pH. They add very little acidity to the soil. Instead, use an acidic fertilizer.
It certainly won’t hurt to mix them into your garden. But coffee grounds mold very quickly, so avoid using them in pots and containers.
Can I grow bougainvillea from a cutting?
Yes! Both hardwood and softwood cuttings can easily be rooted to create new plants.
How long does it take to grow bougainvilleas?
Bougainvilleas are very fast growing plants. When given the proper care, they can cover a large pergola, fence, or wall in only a couple of years. They grow much slower in the shade, or when pot-bound.
Growing bougainvillea is much easier than you might think. As long as you choose the proper location, and follow the care instructions above, your plant will thrive for many years to come.
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Share your bougainvillea care tips in the comments section below!
Sue Hall says
I live in zone 7. My bougainvillea doesn’t appear to be doing well, no leaves at all. I’m inclined to wait a little longer to see if it is still alive. Would this be your recommendation?
Amy Andrychowicz says
Unless you have a special hardy variety for zone 7 or you overwintered it indoors, bougainvilleas are usually only hardy down to zone 9. So, if yours was outside all winter, then it’s probably not going to come back. If you overwintered it inside, then I would give it plenty of heat and sun and it might just break dormancy in a few weeks. Good luck.
Ray Rosebrock says
The last two years my potted bougainvillea has bloomed all winter on heated porch about 60 degree goes dormant all summer no leaves or blooms gets some light in winter all sun in summer can you help
Amy Andrychowicz says
It may be getting too hot in the summer. Most types of begonias like mild/slightly cooler weather and partial to full shade. If yours stays in your greenhouse all summer, then it might be getting too hot or too much sun, triggering dormancy.
Larry Link says
How do I get beauganvilla out of shock??? I planted 3 of them 2 yeras ago and all are not growing but they are alive…what to do???
Amy Andrychowicz says
The fact that your bougainvillea isn’t growing is almost always due to it not getting enough sun, improper watering, or lack of fertilizer. Make sure it’s in a full sun location where it gets at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. Also check the soil to make sure it’s not overly wet or completely dry. They don’t like a ton of water, but won’t grow well in extreme drought conditions either. If nothing else seems wrong, then try feeding it to give it a boost.
Lynda Welchel says
How do you recognize a potbound bougainvillea in a very large heavy pot? Thank you.
Amy Andrychowicz says
The main symptoms of a pot-bound bougainvillea are lots of roots growing over the top of the soil, water runs right through the pot without much being absorbed, so you need to water more often, or the plant is very slow or has stopped growing.
Joanna Sawyer says
My sister lives in South Florida, and her bougainvillea tree has a few leaves that have a silvery,shiny residue on them. The back of the leaf shows signs of sap being sucked from the leaf. It’s only on the furthest outside leaves. We keep snipping them off. Any ideas?
Amy Andrychowicz says
It sounds like some kind of bug eating your bougainvillea. Inspect the leaves for tiny insects, I’m thinking it could be spider mites or maybe thrips. But there are lots of others that could be infesting it outdoors.
Cheryl says
I recently purchased a bougainvillea in a pot. She’s GORGEOUS 😍! But my concern is what to do when the fall comes. I absolutely adore her and am hoping to take her inside. She’s in a hanging pot. Stumped 🤷🏼♀️ should I leave her in that pot or transfer her to a larger pot for the house?
Amy Andrychowicz says
You can overwintering it indoors either as a houseplant or try letting it go dormant. No need to repot it first, in fact, you should not repot it before winter. Spring or early summer are the best time to repot bougainvillea, so do it now if you want to. Here are a few posts that you might find helpful…
How To Overwinter Plants: The Complete Guide
How To Bring A Plant Out Of Dormancy