Growing begonias is fun, and you can enjoy them both in your garden or indoors. Learn everything there is to know about them in this detailed begonia plant care guide.
In this article, I’m going to give you tons of care and maintenance tips, show you how to fix common problems, answer your FAQs, and much more!
If you think that begonias are only good for growing in your garden, think again! There’s no doubt that they add tons of color to the garden, but many varieties can also be kept indoors as houseplants.
That means you can grow your favorite varieties for years to come, either indoors or out. And it’s easier than you might think. Yaaaas!
Below I am going to show you exactly how to care for begonias. I will give you tons of information about them, including the different types, hardiness, growing them indoors or outside, fixing common problems, and more!
Information About Begonias
Before you can become a begonia care ninja, it’s important to understand some basic things about them. First, there are tons of different kinds that you can grow (and collect!).
Some can easily be kept as houseplants, while others are a synch to overwinter. But one thing is for sure, all of them add amazing color, both outdoors and inside the house.
Different Types Of Begonias
There are over a thousand different kinds of begonias, and they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.
Some are adored for their gorgeous flowers, and others for their amazing foliage colors and patterns. At a high level, there are four common types of begonia plants:
- Tuberous – (e.g.: Rieger begonias) These begonias have bulbs (tubers) and large flowers
- Rhizomatous – (aka: Rex begonias) These begonias are mostly grown for their gorgeous foliage
- Cane – (aka: Angel wing begonia) These begonias are usually large, showy, and constant bloomers
- Fibrous – (aka: Wax begonias) These begonias are common bedding plants famous for the prolific flowers
The different kinds of begonias don’t all require the exact same care. So it’s best to figure out what type you have so you know if it requires any special treatment.
Are Begonias Annuals Or Perennials?
Though they are commonly sold as annual plants in cold climates, begonias are actually tropical perennials that can live for many years.
Some are only hardy to zone 9, while others can survive in colder climates down to zone 6. It’s best to look up the exact variety you have if you’re unsure how hardy they are before planting begonias outside.
Begonia Flowers
With the proper care, many types of flowering begonias will bloom year round. However, some of the rhizomatous varieties don’t flower at all, but have amazing foliage.
Don’t worry, what they lack in flowers, these begonias more than make up for in unique and colorful leaves.
In fact, many avid growers prefer the non-blooming types because you can’t beat their stunning foliage.
How To Grow Begonias
As I’ve already mentioned, begonias can grow either outside or indoors. So in this section, I’ve broken it down to give you specific details about caring for them both outdoors and inside the house.
Growing Begonias Outdoors
Begonias are wonderful for adding tons of color to a shade garden, or combined in mixed outdoor patio planters. Choose a spot in your garden that has rich, well-draining soil.
If you have poor-quality soil, you can amend it with worm castings, compost, or an organic all-purpose fertilizer before planting.
Most begonias grow best outdoors in partial shade or dappled sunlight. They can survive in full shade, but might not bloom very well if they don’t get enough sunlight.
Growing Begonias Indoors
Once the weather gets too cold outside, you can bring your begonias indoors, and grow them as houseplants. Heck, many types will even grow great indoors all year round!
Place them in a spot where they get bright, indirect light, and keep the soil consistently moist. Begonias do best in a home that is kept between 65-75 degrees F.
If you want, you can move them outside during the summer to give them a boost. Just be sure to wait until all chance of frost is gone before putting them outdoors in the spring.
Begonia Care Instructions
No matter where you choose to grow them, the good news is that the basic begonia plant care requirements are the same for all types. Follow the tips below for the best success.
Proper watering is one of the most difficult parts of successful begonia plant care. That’s because they like to be kept evenly moist, but won’t tolerate being overwatered. It can be a difficult balance.
Rather than watering begonias on a set schedule, you should always check to make sure they need it first.
Stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels wet, then let it dry out a bit more before watering again.
If you struggle with getting it right, then I recommend using a soil moisture gauge to help you out.
Indoors they do have a greater risk for fungal problems and rot if the leaves get wet. So to avoid any issues, it’s a good idea to water begonias from the bottom.
To do that, simply fill the plant tray or cache pot, and allow the soil to soak it up through the drainage holes.
Don’t let the soak for too long though, only to the point where the soil is moist again. Dump out any water that hasn’t been absorbed after 20 minutes.
Growing begonias in African violet pots is a great way to make bottom watering easy, and it will also help prevent overwatering.
Like most tropical plants, begonias like a lot of humidity. This usually isn’t a concern when they’re growing outside, but can be a struggle indoors.
Humidity is especially important during the winter months, since heating our homes makes the air even dryer than normal. An indoor humidity monitor is a good tool to use to keep track of how dry the air is.
There are several things you can do to help increase the humidity to a level that will make your begonias happy.
Try running a humidifier near them, or place them on a pebble tray filled with water (don’t allow them to sit in the water though).
You could even grow small begonia plants in a decorative cloche, or keep all of them in a mini indoor greenhouse for the winter.
Some begonias need more sunlight than others, and there are new varieties on the market these days that can even handle full sun.
But most will suffer if they get too much sunlight, and it can burn their tender leaves. In general, they prefer a partial shade location where they are protected from the intense afternoon rays.
Indoors, you should grow begonias in a spot where they get bright, indirect light. An east or west facing window would be the perfect spot.
If the leaves start to turn white or faded, or look like they’re burning, then that means it’s getting too much sun. In that case, move it to a shadier location.
On the flip side, if the stems start to grow leggy and reach for the window, then they’re not getting enough light. Move it closer to the window, or add a grow light.
Potting Soil
Begonias aren’t super fussy about the type of soil they’re planted in. But ideally, they prefer one that is fast draining, and also holds moisture.
You could certainly use general purpose potting soil, and that will usually work just fine for them. An African violet potting mix also works well for growing begonias.
To help the soil retain moisture, or if you tend to under water, add peat moss and/or vermiculite to the mix before planting.
Outdoors, you can amend your garden soil with compost, worm casting, or peat moss.
Begonias will benefit from regular feedings during their active growing season (spring and summer). Start by giving them a weak dose of half or quarter strength liquid fertilizer in early spring.
Then gradually increase the dose, so you’re feeding them weekly as part of your regular begonia plant care routine during the summer.
They can be sensitive to chemicals tough. So I highly recommend using an organic flower fertilizer on them, rather than synthetic ones.
A good quality organic compost fertilizer is always a great choice. You can buy it in a liquid concentrate, or get tea bags and brew your own. Organic African violet fertilizer also works great for feeding begonias.
Instead of liquids, you could mix a granular fertilizer into the soil a couple of times throughout the summer, if you prefer. Stop fertilizing begonias in the fall, and don’t feed them at all during the winter.
The best time to repot is in the spring, but only do it once they’ve outgrown the container. Begonias like to be root-bound, and can struggle if repotted too often.
When it’s time for repotting begonias, be certain to choose a container that is only one size larger than the current one. They can start to suffer if they’re planted in a pot that’s too large.
Always use a container that has drainage holes to prevent overwatering. Also, pots that are made out of plastic or ceramic are better choices than terracotta. Clay wicks moisture out of the soil, and it ends up being too dry for growing begonias.
Regular pruning is a great way to keep begonias growing and looking their best. Deadheading the faded flowers also helps to encourage new blooms.
Spring is the best time to trim them for shape and size. Pruning begonias in the fall or winter can result in weak and leggy growth.
But you can prune dead leaves and flowers at any time during the year. You can simply pinch out the spent flowers, but be sure to use a sharp pair of precision pruners to avoid damaging the plant while trimming the leaves and stems.
Pest Control
Another awesome thing that makes begonia plant care even easier is that they don’t usually have much trouble with houseplant pests. Yes!
Fungus gnats and mealybugs are the biggest risks, so keep an eye out for them.
The presence of gnats in the soil is a sign that you’re overwatering. The best way to get rid of them is to allow the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. You can also use a yellow sticky trap to help control them.
Bugs on the leaves are pretty rare. But if they do appear, it’s best to treat them by hand rather than spraying anything on your begonias. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol, and use it to kill and remove the bugs.
Many times you can wash the leaves with a diluted mild liquid soap and water. But some begonias are sensitive to this, so be sure to test it on a few leaves before washing the whole plant.
Begonia Propagation Tips
You can propagate mature begonias from leaf or stem cuttings, by division, or even by collecting and then planting the seeds.
The cuttings are pretty easy to root, as long as they get enough humidity. For best results, take cuttings that are a couple of inches long, and include a few leaf nodes. Remove some of the lower leaves, as well as all of the flowers and buds.
Dip the cut end into rooting hormone, then stick it into a light airy soilless mix of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite or pumice.
Keep the soil consistently moist, and be sure the air around the cutting stays very humid. I have found that it’s much easier to use a propagation chamber, and I’ve had the best success with that.
Learn all you need to know about how to propagate your begonias in my step by step guide here.
Growing begonia seeds is definitely the hardest (and slowest) form of propagation. They can be a bit difficult to grow from seed, but it’s fun to experiment.
If you want to try saving seeds from your begonia, then don’t deadhead the flowers. Seed pods will form where the flowers were.
Allow the pods to dry on the plant, then collect them in a small bowl. The seeds are tiny (like dust), so don’t attempt this when it’s windy!
Bringing Begonias Indoors For Winter
If you put your begonias outside for the summer, make sure you bring them back indoors before it gets too cold, or they could start to suffer.
It’s best to bring them inside before the temperature gets below 60 degrees F in the fall. They don’t like to be cold, and the shock might be too much for them to survive.
Tuberous varieties are the only ones that can’t be kept as houseplants, they prefer to go dormant during the winter. Learn how to overwinter tuberous begonias here.
Troubleshooting Common Begonia Care Problems
The most frustrating thing about growing begonias is when they start having problems, and you have no idea what’s wrong.
So, in this section, I’ve listed out some of the most common problems, along with the probable causes, and solutions.
Leaves Turning Brown
Most of the time, brown leaves means they aren’t getting the right amount of water (usually under watering). But can also be caused by lack of humidity or extreme temperatures (freezing or sunburn).
Ensure the soil stays consistently moist, and run a humidifier next to them if the air is dry.
Flowers Turning Brown
Begonia flowers turn brown as they start to die back, which is totally normal. Pinch out the brown/faded flowers regularly to encourage fresh new blooms.
Leaves Turning Yellow
This is usually caused by overwatering, but in some cases could be due to a fungal disease or lack of light. Ensure the soil is not wet or soggy.
If you suspect disease, prune off the yellow leaves, give your begonia better air circulation (an oscillating fan works great indoors), and never water over the top of the leaves.
Dropping Stems / Leaves
When a begonia starts dropping leaves and stems, it’s usually because of too much water (especially during the winter).
But it could also be from exposure to cold temps, or moving the plant around too much.
Leaves Turning White
White or faded leaves usually happens when they are getting too much direct sun. Move it to a location where it gets bright, indirect light inside, or to a shadier spot outside.
Curling Leaves
This can be caused by a number of problems. First, check to make sure there aren’t any bugs on the leaves. Otherwise, it could be due to lack of humidity, improper watering, or too much sun or heat.
Wilting Or Drooping
Droopy leaves is usually caused by under watering. But it could also happen after the plant has been repotted, if it’s being overwatered, or if it’s getting too hot.
Not Flowering
First off, not all begonias flower, so this may be normal for the variety that you have.
If you have a flowering one, then it could be caused by lack of nutrients, using the wrong type of fertilizer, or not enough light.
Begonia Plant Care FAQs
In this section, I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about begonia care. If you don’t see yours here, then ask it in the comments below.
Are begonias easy to grow?
Yes, they are easy to grow, as long as you give begonias the right care. They are the most fussy about water and humidity, which can be a struggle to get right for some.
Do begonias like sun or shade?
Most begonias like shade, and will burn in the full sun. However, there are new cultivars that have been bred to grow in the full sun. So it really depends on which variety you have.
Can begonias live inside?
Yes, begonias can live inside, and they make excellent houseplants. The only types you can’t grow indoors year-round are the tuberous ones, because they require a period of winter dormancy.
Do begonias come back every year?
It depends on where you live. Begonias are tender perennials that can survive outside during the winter in the right growing zone. Some are hardier than others though, so it’s important to know the ideal climate for each variety that you have.
Are begonias indoor or outdoor plants?
Begonias can be grown as either indoor or outdoor plants, depending on where you live and the variety that you have.
How do I save begonias for next year?
Bring them indoors for the winter. Begonias can either be grown as houseplants, or you can overwinter the tubers – depending on what type you have.
Growing begonias is easy, and you can enjoy their beauty year round. Plus it’s fun to collect different varieties, and they are all sure to add tons of color to your home and garden. If you follow these begonia plant care tips, they will thrive for years to come.
If you want to learn all there is to know about maintaining healthy indoor plants, then you need my Houseplant Care eBook. It will show you everything you need to know about how to keep every plant in your home thriving. Download your copy now!
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Share your begonia plant care tips in the comments section below.
Dora Barvir says
I have a weeping orange begonia I’ve had for many years that I keep outside in the pot in a shade area. It blooms all summer and then after I take it indoors the stems all fall off and just leave the huge bulb! I put it in the basement (I live in MN too) and spring when I put it back outside it grows the stems back and blooms…. is this normal? I also noticed this year it doesn’t have as many stems and fewer leaves…. should I repot it?
Many thanks!
Amy Andrychowicz says
Yes, that is totally normal for tuberous begonias (see How To Overwinter Tuberous Begonias). You definitely could try repotting it if it’s been in the same pot for many years. Or you could try giving it some organic fertilizer, if it’s never been fed.
Shirley Durivage says
I love these flower but I am scared about the weather How cold can it get before it hurts the plant
Amy Andrychowicz says
Some begonias are more cold hardy than others. But, if you don’t know the variety you have, then it’s a good idea to protect them from frost to be safe. Tropical begonias will start to suffer when the temperature gets below 50 degrees F.
Jeannette says
when getting rid of dead flowers do you just pinch under the flower or cut to the stem
Amy Andrychowicz says
You can deadhead begonia flowers either way. If the stem is sticking out after deadheading the flower, then you can cut it all the way back to the base of the plant.
Liz says
I had a bit of an over watering problem with my Begonia this winter and a lot of the bottom leaves turned yellow and I cut them off. Now it’s really top heave with leaves and the bottom parts of the stem are empty of leaves. Will it regrow leaves at the bottom? Can I nick it’s stems to get new leaves to grow?
Amy Andrychowicz says
I recommend pinching out the new growth on top. That will encourage your begonia to grow new leaves along the bottom part of the stem, and become bushy again.
theresa harris says
hi, i have a rex begonia that is all red, stems and leaves, all red. the leaves are 12 inch long. I keep it 12 inches away from a window that gets afternoon sun, so it receives bright filtered light. I wait until the top of soil is dry before watering. I water it with water from a purified water pitcher. it just grows and grows. it is just beautiful and needs no flowers.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Awesome, sounds like you have a knack for caring for your rex begonia! I bet it is just gorgeous!
Sue says
My begonia is over 35 years old. I have repotted it last Spring and it thrived, not it is leggy and the leaves falling are either healthy or dry and crinkly on the edges. I have cut it back over the years but it seems unhappy. I fertilized it about once a week and use regular tap water, from the top of the plant.
Any suggestions would be so appreciated!
Amy Andrychowicz says
WOW, a 35 year old begonia plant!? That is impressive! You certainly have the right touch! I would take a look at its environment to see if anything has changed. Is it getting more sun that it used to? Have you moved it recently, perhaps closer to an A/C unit where it’s getting blasted by a draft? Have you changed the brand or type of fertilizer you use on it? Dry/crinkly edges could be caused by fertilizer burn (common with chemical fertilizers). Also be sure to check the soil. If your begonia is dropping healthy looking leaves, that’s a sign that it’s being overwatered.
Valerie says
Hi there. I got my begonia as a gift. It’s a yellow begonia. It had nice yellow flowers when I got it but now it’s not blossoming. The leaves are nice and green and big but as soon as the flowers come out (lots of flowers), they fall off and die. They come out as light greenish then change as if to assume the yellow color then they die. I have no idea what is the problem, I don’t water them a lot. I keep the soil moist but not too much. I also use tap water to water them. Not too frequently but I don’t wait for it to be as dry as the Sahara before watering. I am just getting worried because it bears so much flowers which don’t get to blossom. Any help would be appreciated. Oh and I just used organic fertilizer 2 days ago, I am hoping it will help. I mixed it with the soil after watering it when it was a bit damp. The plant looks nice and healthy and green but my flowers die before they blossom
Amy Andrychowicz says
Begonia bud drop could be caused by a few different things… inconsistent watering, sudden temperature changes, changes to the lighting, bugs, or lack of humidity. First, does the pot have drainage holes? If not, then it could be getting too much water (the soil at the bottom may be wet even though the top feels dry).
Otherwise, have you moved the plant recently? Or has the temperature or lighting changed in it’s location (like with the change of season)? For example, is it near an open window on cool nights, or in a sunny window during the hot afternoon? Or did you recently change from heat to A/C and it’s near a vent?
One other thing to check for is bugs. Take a close look at the buds and leaves to make sure you don’t see any white fuzz, brown spots, or webbing. Good luck!
Sherry says
How can you tell if the begonia is getting rootbound. Also do tuberous begonia have to go dormant if they are kept inside.
Amy Andrychowicz says
A few signs that a plant is pot-bound are when the soil dries out really, really quickly, or if you see roots growing out the bottom of the pot or on top of the soil. You can also slide your begonia out of the pot to check. If there are more roots than soil, or if the roots are growing in circles around the bottom of the pot, then it’s pot-bound. Yes, tuberous begonias need a period of dormancy, and they will naturally go dormant in the fall/winter. But not all begonias have tubers. So, if your begonia doesn’t go dormant, then you probably don’t have a tuberous type. Here’s a post I wrote about overwintering tuberous begonias that has more details.
Alice Alvarado says
How about if the begonia leaves develop a white scaly substance
Amy Andrychowicz says
It sounds to me like your begonia might have mealybugs. Here’s how to get rid of them.
Elle says
I bought a beautiful flowering begonia…still healthy and thriving but it has stopped flowering, how can I encourage more flowers ?TIA.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Fertilizing your begonia during the spring and summer months will encourage more flowers. If it’s pot bound, then potting it up in the spring will also help to encourage new growth and flowers.
Jess says
Mine like light.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Yes. Some begonias will grow well in the sun, depending on the variety you have. They all like bright light.
Von says
Im not certain on when i should prune my begonia or what exactly to prune. What do leaves look like if they’re becoming unhealthy. I purchased my wax begonia about 2 weeks ago and repotted her in flower and vegetable soil. Her blooms were all shut the next morning, but with patience and some morning sun she’s not only opened just tis past Saturday, but also has new buds popping up, so I’m convinced she’s healthy. This is my first plant I’ve grown PERIOD. I water her a measured ratio of distilled water and blooming flower food. Her shelf allows her to get up to 6-8 hours of morning sun and indirect light through the afternoon, & I like to keep an airy house, so the door is often open or the temp in about 68-74°F. She’s potted in a terracotta pot with pebbles in the bottom to help with over watering, but I cant avoid her stems and leaves. How would I water her from the bottom?
Amy Andrychowicz says
You don’t need to worry about pruning your begonia unless it starts to grow leggy and you want to keep a compact shape. When the flowers are done blooming, they usually fall from the plant, but you can pinch them out once they start to fade if you want. Unhealthy leaves would be yellow or brown. To bottom water your begonia plant, simply pour water into the plant tray, and allow the pot to soak it up from the bottom. If the plant tray is also made of terracotta, the water will leach through the terracotta and can cause damage to wood surfaces, so be sure to put a plastic plate or something underneath it if it’s sitting on a wooden shelf. Good luck!
Thanam Muthusamy says
Thanks for this useful information about begonias . I searche searched the web because my begonia leaves are turning brown . I have learnt much from you ! I’m from Singapore and the weather is tropical hot and humid.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Wonderful, you’re welcome! I’m glad you learned some good tips for caring for your begonia. Good luck, I hope it will thrive for you!
Martha young says
PS ; I did put them in new soil,just in case it was the soil! Martha
Amy Andrychowicz says
Repotting can also cause leaf drop for begonias. Once it gets used to the new container and the new location, it should bounce back. Give it time.
Martha young says
I’ve got a problem with my angelwing begonias, they keep dropping their leaves ,new leaves,older leaves I have checked the water ,put a humefirer on them ,got them in South window very little sun ,some for bout an hour in afternoon ,not direct,please I’m having terrible time thank you
Amy Andrychowicz says
Can you give me more details about your begonia plant? What do the leaves look like when they fall off? Do they turn black and mushy, are they dried a crispy, or are they spotty? Is the soil wet or dry? Are you fertilizing it, if so what type of fertilizer are you using (and you should stop fertilizing until your begonia is healthy again)? Also, what type of water are you using? Is it tap water, or other? Is your begonia growing in a pot that has drainage holes? One other thing that comes to mind… take a close look at the leaves (especially the undersides of the leaves) and stems of the plant to check for bugs.
Martha young says
Also, I run tap water in container and let it sit at least overnight before giving to my begonia plant and I have used distilled water forgot to put this info in my reply martha
Amy Andrychowicz says
Chemicals and salts in tap water can build up in the soil over time, and may be part of what’s causing problems with your begonia. I recommend using rainwater or distilled/filtered water on them.
Martha young says
The leaves looks healthy pretty when they fall ,they wilt a couple days after they fall, this begonia plant has the kinda long leaves green on top red underneath and has round dots on the top ,it’s call Luncide or something like that ,they bloom peach flowers, I looked see no bugs, white power or anything on them, they not soppy wet,just moist ,I sat them out on front porch three days ago to see if it’s being in house, so far they doing ok but soon they will have to come in house because of the cold coming , I’m having terrible time ,don’t know of anything else to do at this point ,I have neem oil extract if they need that ,I have light,water,and PH meter I’ve been using thanks martha
Amy Andrychowicz says
If you recently moved it indoors, it’s normal for begonias to drop their leaves. The plant may simply be getting used to its new location inside the house, and should adjust after a few weeks. Choose a spot to put it inside the house, and leave it there. Don’t move it again for the winter, and it should adjust. 🙂
Tom says
My wife loves begonias. She was just reading that growing begonias indoors is one of the hot plant trends for this year.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Nice! Tell her to be careful, because it’s easy to get carried away when buying begonias. LOL!
Spice k 1 says
Just brought a 3ft. tall begonia from yard sale for $3.00….yeah
Amy Andrychowicz says
WOW a tall begonia plant for only $3, that’s a steal! Nice find!! I love getting bargains like that! Enjoy. 🙂