Reblooming Thanksgiving cactus is easier than you may think and it is possible to encourage them to flower every year.
In this post I’m going to explain just how to do it, with detailed step-by-step instructions.
Getting your Schlumbergera truncata to produce its beautiful blooms in time for the Thanksgiving holiday depends on three main factors: darkness, low temperature, and timing.
Read on to discover how to trigger your Thanksgiving cactus to rebloom and bring a glorious splash of color into your home for the season.

Does Thanksgiving Cactus Rebloom?
Yes, you can stimulate your Thanksgiving (aka November) cactus to rebloom every year, but it’s important to follow the simple steps I describe below.
They can naturally bloom again in the fall on their own every year, usually sometime in November.
But they’ll often need a little help, especially indoors, and the timing, temperature, and amount of light they receive must be just right.
What Triggers A Thanksgiving Cactus To Bloom?
Schlumbergera truncata needs a brief rest period, or partial dormancy, to produce flower buds. In its natural habitat in southeast Brazil, the cooler nights and shorter days of fall trigger dormancy.
To replicate this environment at home, you must control the temperature and amount of light your plant receives.
I also recommend keeping your Thanksgiving cactus slightly pot-bound, as this will help it bloom more readily.
When Will My Thanksgiving Cactus Bloom Again?
In the ideal environment, your Thanksgiving cactus will bloom again every year, sometime in mid to late November, or around the time of the US holiday.
It’s not uncommon for them to flower a second time in the spring, but it’s usually a much smaller display.
Using my instructions below, you can force your Schlumbergera truncata to rebloom at the perfect time each year, providing a beautiful centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table.
Related Post: How To Care For A Thanksgiving Cactus Plant (Schlumbergera truncata)

How Do I Get My Thanksgiving Cactus To Bloom Again?
To trigger your November cactus to bloom again, you need to replicate the conditions it would encounter in its natural habitat in the fall.
This means you must control the amount of water and light it receives, and make sure the temperature is low enough.
1. Reduce Watering
To show your Thanksgiving cactus that it’s almost time to rest, the first thing to do is reduce the amount of moisture. So starting in late summer or early fall, cut down on the amount of water you give it.
Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering it again, but don’t let it dry out completely.
Use a moisture gauge to help you get the balance just right. A reading in the 2-3 range indicates it’s time to water your plant.
Learn all you need to know about watering your Thanksgiving cactus the right way here.
2. Put It In The Dark
Another trigger for reblooming a Thanksgiving cactus is less sunlight, which is normal in the fall. But they will need complete darkness for 12-16 hours each night for 6-8 weeks.
Starting in late September or early October, place your November cactus in a dark room, closet or bathroom overnight.
Alternatively you could cover it with a black out cloth or blanket to completely block out the light. If this darkness is interrupted – even by artificial light – it may prevent buds from forming.
Bring it back out into bright light during the day or uncover it, but avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.
3. Keep It Cool
Cooler temperatures is another important key to getting your Thanksgiving cactus to bloom again.
It should be at least 10°F (-12.2°C) lower at night than during the day. A range of 50-55°F (10-12.8°C) overnight is ideal, although as warm as 60°F (15.6°C) would be fine.
Just be sure that the temperature never drops below 40°F (4.4°C), or this could damage your plant.
The easiest way to do this is to move it outside at night, or place it in a cool room, such as an unfinished basement. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature.
How Long Does It Take Thanksgiving Cactus To Bloom Again?
On average, it takes Schlumbergera truncata anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to bloom again.
Buds may start to form in as few as 3 weeks, but it can take as long as 8 weeks if the environmental conditions are not quite right.
When To Put Thanksgiving Cactus In The Dark
Put your Thanksgiving cactus in the dark around 6 to 8 weeks before you want it to rebloom.
So, to have flowers in time for the holiday, this means you need to start anytime from late September or early October.
An easy way to figure this out is to count backward 6 to 8 weeks before the fourth Thursday of November.

Why Won’t My Thanksgiving Cactus Flower Again?
There are several things that could stop your November cactus reblooming. Here are the most common causes.
- Too much water – It’s important to reduce the amount of water you give your plant in the fall, and allow it to dry out more between drinks.
- It’s too warm or cold – Your Thanksgiving cactus ideally needs temperatures between 50-55° (10-12.8°C) overnight to make it flower again.
- Not enough darkness – Giving them 12 to 16 hours of darkness each night is essential, and any interruption, even from artificial light sources, can suppress flowering.
- Recently repotted – Schlumbergera truncata will bloom best when slightly pot-bound, so yours may need a year or two to flower again if you repotted it recently.

What To Do Once Your Thanksgiving Cactus Sets Buds
One of the biggest frustrations to reblooming Thanksgiving cactus is when it finally sets buds… and then they quickly start dropping off before they open.
To prevent that from happening, it’s crucial to give it the proper care during flowering. Here are my tips to make the blooms last as long as possible.
- Increase watering – Once it sets buds, start watering more often so that the soil remains consistently moist, but be careful not to overwater.
- Give it bright light – As soon as buds appear, move your Thanksgiving cactus to a bright spot in your home where it can receive plenty of indirect light, and leave it there.
- Protect from extreme temps – Monitor the temperature to ensure that it’s neither too hot or too cold. A range of 60-70°F (15.6-21.1°C) is ideal to promote better, longer-lasting blooms.
- Do not repot it – They flower best when slightly pot-bound. But if you feel yours needs repotting, wait until the spring when it’s done blooming.
- Protect from drafts – Place your plant in a spot away from heat vents, windows, or other drafts, otherwise it may begin to drop buds or flowers.
Related Post: What To Do With Thanksgiving Cactus After Blooming (5 Tips!)

Below you’ll find my answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about reblooming Thanksgiving cactus. If you don’t see yours listed, please ask in the comments.
Does Thanksgiving cactus need darkness to bloom?
Yes, a Thanksgiving cactus needs uninterrupted darkness for 12-16 hours each night for 6-8 weeks to bloom again. Starting in late September or early October, put it in a dark place like a bathroom or closet, or use a blanket or black out cloth to totally block out all light sources.
How many years will a Thanksgiving cactus rebloom?
Under the right conditions, a Thanksgiving cactus will rebloom every year for as long as it lives. And the good news is that the Schlumbergera truncata has an incredibly long life span, lasting anywhere from 40 to 100 years.
How many times can a Thanksgiving cactus rebloom?
A Thanksgiving cactus typically blooms again every year in November (hence its holiday-related name). It is possible for it to rebloom in spring, but it’s usually a much smaller display, and this can be a sign that the timing of its cool, dark period was wrong.
When do I force my cactus for Thanksgiving flowers?
You should force your cactus for Thanksgiving flowers starting in late summer or early fall by reducing watering. Then give it complete darkness overnight for about 6-8 weeks before the holiday.
If you want to learn all there is to know about maintaining healthy indoor plants, then you need my Houseplant Care eBook. It will show you everything you need to know about how to keep every plant in your home thriving. Download your copy now!
More About Houseplant Care
- How To Get Your Christmas Cactus To Bloom Again
- Christmas, Thanksgiving, & Easter Cactus: How To Tell Them Apart
- How To Get Your Amaryllis To Rebloom
- Bromeliad Flowers: When, How Often, & How Long They Bloom
Share your tips for how to get Thanksgiving cactus to bloom in the comments section below.
Step By Step Instructions
How To Get Thanksgiving Cactus To Rebloom

Discover how to rebloom your Thanksgiving cactus in time for the holiday each year with my simple, step-by-step instructions. You'll learn what it needs to flower successfully, how to create these conditions in your home, and how to care for your plant once buds appear.
- Thanksgiving cactus plant
- Blackout fabric (optional)
- Reduce watering - Starting in late September or early October, water your plant less often and allow the soil to dry out slightly, but not completely, between drinks. To make this easy, use a moisture gauge and wait until it reads between 2-3.
- Put it in the dark - Around 6-8 weeks before Thanksgiving, place your cactus in a dark room or closet for 12 to 16 hours every night. Alternatively, cover it with a blanket or blackout fabric to completely block out all light.
- Keep it cool - Use a thermometer to ensure that the room or outdoor temperature remains consistently between 50-55°F (10-12.8°C) each night. Ensure it never falls below 40°F (4.4°C) or rises above 60°F (15.6°C) overnight, as these extremes may damage your plant or prevent reblooming.
- Wait for buds - These may begin to appear in as few as 3 weeks, but can take up to 8 weeks for buds to form if the conditions are not quite right.
- Move it somewhere bright - As soon as buds appear, move your Thanksgiving cactus to a bright room where it can receive lots of indirect light, but avoid direct sun exposure.
- Give it more water - Return to your regular watering schedule, but take care not to overwater. The soil should be moist, but not to the point of puddling.
- Enjoy the flowers - Place your flowering cactus in the center of your Thanksgiving table and share the sight of its beautiful blooms with your friends and family.
- Make sure that your Thanksgiving cactus is in continuous darkness for 12 to 16 hours every night for 6-8 weeks. All light sources should be blocked, including artificial ones, like street or night lights.
- Don’t repot your November cactus before triggering it to rebloom. A recently repotted plant can take a year or two to flower again.
- Once the buds appear, give it bright, indirect light and temps between 60-70°F (15.6-21.1°C). Protect it from drafts and heat sources, as these may cause it to drop buds or flowers.
Joyce says
I have three Christmas cactuses that bloom every year around thanksgiving. They are in an east facing bay window and i NEVER cover them or put them in total darkness. Its not bright at night near that window .they are setting buds right now.i only water them about once a week and yes they are probably root bound.
Amy Andrychowicz says
Sounds like you have the perfect spot for your holiday cactus, but if they rebloom around Thanksgiving, then they’re probably Thanksgiving cacti rather than Christmas cacti. Here’s how to tell the difference.